EMBRC-France provides users with an environment for the analysis of in silico data at its bioinformatics facility. This environment draws on a national facility at Roscoff (ABiMS) and expertise in data analysis at Villefranche-sur-Mer and Banyuls Training and support services for researchers in bioinformatics analyses that require computing services located at the Villefranche Observatory and at other computing centres (e.g. Crimson-OCA (Nice)).
Main equipment
Computer cluster with 650 cores
HPC computing server with 1 To RAM
Online analysis operating system: Galaxy
Database environment
Secure storage capacity of 600 To
The ABiMS facility has been certified by IBISA.

Storage space / Roscoff
Prestation :
Prestation proposant un environnement de stockage sécurisé - Environnement CORE
Services :
Sites :

Expertise in bioinformatics / Roscoff
Prestation :
Prestation d'expertise et de consultance couvrant les différents domaines (bio-analyse, conception, architecture SI, HPC, etc.).
Services :
Sites :