- Préparation d'échantillons à la demande :
- Broyage des échantillons au broyeur Précellys
- Dérivation des métabolites par l'utilisation de Sylon (BSTFA/TMCS 99:1)
- Passage automatisé sur Autotrace de Dionex d'échantillon. Extraction ou purifictaion par SPE.
- Passage automatisé sur Autotrace de Dionex d'échantillon. Extraction ou purifictaion par SPE.
- Extraction des métabolites d'un échantillon
- Analyses
- Analyse d' échantillon par chromatographie en phase gazeuse couplée à la spectrométrie de masse.
- Analyse d' échantillon en chromatographie liquide couplée à la spectrométrie de masse haute résolution.
- Analyse d'échantillon en chromatographie liquide couplée à la détection UV.
- Thermodésorption d'échantillons adsorbés sur barreaux SBSE et couplage au GC/MS.
Mass Spectrometry
Our teams and equipment provide the means for mass spectrometry studies, from the atom to the macromolecule. The facility is made up of three sections: Stable Isotopes, Metabolomics and Biological Macromolecules, each with its own head engineer. The facility is set up at the MetaboMER facility in Roscoff
- Mass measurements of biological compounds
- Identification of metabolites
- Identification of proteins
- Quantification
- Analysis of stable isotopes
- Elemental analysis
The MetaboMER facility in Roscoff houses scientific equipment for mass spectrometry studies of metabolism from the cell level to the ecosystem level using isotope labelling and characterisation of small macromolecules. Highly specific, these services specialise in matrices of marine origin and are committed to the development of marine metabolomics.
A certified CORSAIRE facility of Biogenouest, MetaboMER also benefits from the other core facilities at Roscoff (bioinformatics, genomics, protein crystallography, and imaging).
The facility is open to the scientific community, public and private, dedicated mainly to the study of marine organisms and ecosystems. It is also available for other collaborations in its field of expertise.
MetaboMER also strives to be part of certified collaboration centres on the regional level (GIS Europôle Mer, Competitiveness Clusters Mer-Bretagne and Valorial, Axe4 Biogenouest, the LIPIDOMOUEST group), on the national level (French network of metabolomics and flowomics, IBISA, large investment projects IDEALG, EMBRC-Fr, Oceanomics, LabexMER) and on the international level (ASSEMBLE I3, ESFRI EMBRC, UMI CNRS-PUC Chili and GDRI).
- Services
- Long-term projects
The analytical skills developed within EMBRC-France also provide services for advanced quantitative or qualitative analyses across a large range of molecules extracted from biological matrices of diverse origin (animal, plant, microbial): algae, cell cultures, filters, sediments, particulate matter, seawater, tissues, etc.
The facility also carries out occasional services or studies as part of long-term scientific projects that require extensive analyses.
Main equipment
- Electrophoresis
- Automated Solid-Phase Extraction
- Cryo-mill
- Nano Liquid Chromatography (Easy-nLC)
- Maldi TOF Mass spectrometry (Voyager-DE STR)
- LC-MS Mass spectrometry (LTQ Orbitrap)
- Thermal desorber (coupled with GC-MS)
- Gas interface: Conflo III (Thermo Fisher)
- Isotope Mass Ratio Spectrometer: Delta Plus (Thermo Fisher)
- Elemental analyser Flash EA 1112 (Thermo Fisher)
Involvement in networks and infrastructures
Western France Metabolomics Network CORSAIRE
Certified facilities
Biogenouest facility CORSAIRE
ISO9001:2008 certification in progress