Imaging platforms EMBRC-France offer high level of services for visualization, analysis of the structure, dynamics, interactions and functions of biological samples. EMBRC France-directs users to the most appropriate imaging systems and provides a framework for conducting experiments and progressive training to independence.
The platform IMAGING EMBRC-France has three resources, organized into three sites:
- Merimage platform of the Station Biologique de Roscoff (optical and electronical microscopy)
- Cytometry platform-imaging of the Oceanographic Observatory of Banyuls (optical microscopy, flow cytometry)
- Imaging Platform Villefranche s / Mer (PIV) at the Institut de la mer de Villefranche (optical microscopy and quantitative imaging)
Service Offer
- Provision of equipment independently (after appropriate training with qualified personnel) or with assistance of an engineer
- Services
Involvement in networks and infrastructure
- The RIME: "Electron Microscopy Imaging network”
- The RTmfm: "multidimensional fluorescence microscopy Network Photonics"
- Biogenouest: the network of life and environmental sciences technology platforms in Western France
- Labeling IBISA
- Quality process according to ISO 9001
- Cytometry platform of the Oceanographic Observatory of Banyuls s / Mer is labeled by INSU in 2008 (ocean-atmosphere section) as part of its mission to " National Analysis Service ". It includes support analyzes Observation Mid Coast Service (SOMLIT) French and provides counts of picoplankton and marine bacteria to the national base SOMLIT data.