The Oceanographic Observatory of Banyuls s / mer offers access to a park stream cytometers with 3 analyzers and 1 cell sorter.
- Analysis (3 laser optics FACSCanto II)
Discrimination and identification of cell properties in communities of marine micro-organisms. Data processing is included in this service.
Three analysers equipped with one (488 nm) or three lasers (407, 488 and 633 nm)
- Cell sorting (two-laser cell sorter FACSAria I)
Sorting and cloning, physical separation of cells of interest in micro-organism communities
System equipped with two lasers (488 and 633 nm). Sorting can also be performed on a microplate.
- FACSCAN made available for independent use or with assistance from the facility’s engineers
for discrimination and identification of cell properties in marine micro-organism communities. Data processing is included in the flow cytometry service. Blue laser 488 nm.